chelsey's coloring page

chelsey's coloring page - pictures387001.jpg

The third way, which is not as common, is to pay a many amount for each person who has coloring pages opportunity to view coloring ad. Every time someone visits the site with your ad displayed that person can see your ad and possibly click on it. You pay every time someone visits the page with your ad. This is known as CPM or cost per thousand impressions.

For example, a entire banner ad has a size of 468 pixels across coloring 60 pixels down. This just means that a full banner ad will use a space on the screen that is equal to 468 dots across the screen by 60 pixels up and down the screen. This gives a rectangular picture that is the banner. A half-banner would be 234 pixels across by 60 pixels down. So the half banner will be half as wide as the full banner but the same height.

There are two keys to using banners effectively. First, the banner must get the attention of the viewer. Good banners are designed to draw the eyes of the visitor so they will see the message and hopeful click on the ad to visit your site. The second key is to place the banner on sites that will give you the type of visitor who will be interested in what you are advertising. coloring pages you advertise your scented candle site on a web site devoted to hot rod cars you may get a couple of visitors but it is not likely. Your chances are much better if you advertise on a website devoted to aroma coloring page products or house dcor.

The key to your success with a Christian online business's traffic. No matter how good your site is you have to get individuals to visit it in order to be effective. The net term for visitors to your site is traffic. You must attract people to your site just like a store on Main street must attract customers. An actual physical store'll attract visitors by different forms of advertising. They might advertise on the radio, TV, or in newspapers as well as magazines. People look these ads and then visit the store. This is traffic.

Banner ad sizes have been standardized to a little of extent over the years. The three main size types are rectangular, banner and button, and skyscraper. The sizes are determined by the number of pixels or dots that are used on the web page. Your monitor is made up thousands of small pixels. When your computer shows a picture on the monitor it is coloring a group of these tiny pixels to develop what you see.

Banner ads have been used since the beginning of the commercial World Wide Web to make millions and millions of dollars. They can be very effective if they interest the reader and they are on a site that gives the type of traffic you want. They allow you to only advertise on sites that match your Christian values and morals.

This form of online advertising involves placing an advertisement onto another web page that has visitors who might be interested in your site. It is intended to attract traffic to your website by adding a link to your site from the site you are advertising on. This works great for a Chrstian based advertising campaign because you can determine what sites your ad will be shown on. Most Christian web sites will accept your
Christian based ads.

On the internet this type of traffic is generated by placing ads on different web sites. One of the most often used ads on a web page is a banner ad. If you have spent any time at completely on the web you have seen hundreds of banner ads. These are the boxes you see on a web page that are advertising many different site. For years this was the most used and most effective way to promote a web site. It is still used now to advertise the presence of web pages (or web stores) so customers will visit.

There are three main ways to pay the web page owner where you place your banner. The first is by a monthly charge. You make an agreement with the web site owner to pay him or her so much a month to display your ad.

Traffic For Your Christian Business - Part 2