chelsey's coloring page

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Lei making. You will need multi-colored tissue papers and a string. You can use a needle coloring you want to, a needle would make coloring task easier. Cut your tissue paper one square inch; make a visual plan on how you want the colors to look and the color combination that you think will work coloring pages this. Start with the color that you want by poking a hole in the middle of the tissue paper while inserting coloring page to the string. Do this until you have completely covered the length that you want your lei to be. Remember that the first color you inserted will be beside the color you choose to insert in the end, so make sure that the colors complement one another. When done, make as numerous of this free paper craft as you like using the same technique. When you have done enough leis, you can gather your friends and have a luau. Aloha!

Paper is probably the most inexpensive art material that you can find, Not only is it affordable, it is can be used in more ways than one. Old magazines and newspapers or even tattered gift wrappers can be recycled and used in producing paper crafts. Here are free paper crafts coloring pages that you can do with your child:

Free Paper Crafts

Robert Grazian is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

Puzzle. Get yourself a paper and draw on it. Make sure your drawing is colorful and completely covers your paper. After drawing and coloring your coloring glue your paper to a piece of card board. Paint the top of your paper with glue to make for a shiny and strong finish. Leave your project to dry. When its dry, cut the card board in random shapes and get your child play with it and figure out how to put it back. Depending on your child's age, you can make this free paper craft as complicated as you want it to be. Cut it out in smaller pieces if you want it to be more difficult.

Enjoy these free paper crafts at house and make one of your own.

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Pudding paint is also a fashionable 'condiment' in the preschool or home school class. Using vanilla flavored pudding, add a coloring page of drops of food coloring coloring tint for a rainbow palette that will excite even the ficklest of artists. Again using craft paper, cut out shapes that will supplement your chosen lesson theme. Paint the shapes and decorate with sugar 'glitter'. This has always brought about rave reviews.

Located on the Miscellaneous page is a great set of FREE Arts and Crafts Recipe cards.

Although these are truly fun and exciting activities, the possibilities are endless. Using the many home spun concoctions we can instill a love of creating while reinforcing the educational / developmental goals of the preschool aged student. Never forget that FUN is always a wonderful coloring page to build upon!

Aside from free time, arts and crafts play is the most exciting time for the preschool student. The creative bug takes over and the imagination climbs to early heights! As an educator for these young students we must find new ways (or maybe old ones rejuvenated) to incorporate targeted goals while having fun. Some of the most incredible times evolve from the simplest activities created using home made mixtures.

Bubbles and more bubbles, whether blown through a straw or wire hoop, occur to be one of the most appealing summer time thrills in the preschool setting. A very pages but beautiful work of art comes from placing a narrow cup in the middle of a large piece of craft paper. coloring page the cup with safe, colorful bubble making ingredients and give the budding artist a straw. Have the student blow an overflowing amount of bubbles up and over the top edge of the cup. Watch out for the giggling that this activity could bring about or more than just bubbles'll be on the craft paper. Variations to this activity include using several different colors of bubbles - allow the paper to dry between blowing sessions. Once the art has dried, decorate the walls with cut outs that reinforce your lesson plans.

Preschoolers love to make clay style bowls to give as gifts. These items are among the most economical pieces a student could create that are three dimensional. Once you have chosen a favorite clay recipe and tinted it (unless the artist will paint the bowl when dried), assign a shape for the base. Example: If working on the square, have the student create a square base to build up the sides upon. The variations to this activity can include sensory items. Add small rough items to the clay pages to the building of the bowl or add peppermint oil to the clay for a sensory excitement explosion. This is an arty item that no one will every become tired of creating because of the endless variations.

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Fire coloring page are a beautiful bright red color with two white spots on pages tail. They are alot like the scarlet cleaner shrimp except there coloring is different. Fire shrimp clean the tank of left over food and poo. This helps keep the tank clean and helps rid the tank of unwanted nitrates. They will also clean the fish just like the cleaner shrimp.

The coloring one I am going to get is a peacock pages shrimp. I will have to get an acrylic tank so they do not break it. The mantis shrimp and the pistol shrimp have the claw thing in common except their attack is a lot louder and harder. The mantis could crack a snail shell with in one to two hits. They will eat any thing that is small enough that they can eat. This includes snails, shrimp or even fish. These are the reasons I like saltwater shrimp. I hope you will like them to.

The pistol shrimp is cold due to they are really small with a really big popping sound due to there claw. One of their claws are larger than the different and this is the one they stun there prey with. The pooping sound send a shock wave towards their food and it either kills it if really small or stuns it so they able to eat it. One weird fact is they have very poor vision. So they will in record the help of a goby to help them. The goby will act as a guard for the shrimp and in return the shrimp will share both its house and food.

My Favorite Saltwater Aquarium Shrimp

The coloring skunk cleaner shrimp is really funny to watch. When you put food in to feed them they will come and eat out of your hand. When they come and eat out of your hand it tickles with all those little feet on your skin.They have two bright red stripes down there back and the rest of them is white to almost a clear color. What they do is clean the fish of dead skin and parasites. It is funny since it looks like they are hiding then they jump the fish and just initiate to clean them.

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Now, lets look at a little of of those ingredients individually. The pH of phosphoric acid is acidic, at 2.8. A substance of this pH can dissolve a nail in about four days. It can also clean the corrosion off a car battery. The only reason that the acid in soda doesnt dissolve parts of your body after ingesting it is that your body makes a potent base coloring neutralize it. Numerous studies have indicated that the sugar and acids in soda coloring page cause tooth decay. In high concentrations, phosphoric acids block calcium absorption and flush calcium out of your bones, making them weak and prone to fracture. The phosphoric acid in soft drinks is also so strong that it reacts with the aluminum inside the cans, dissolving microscopic bits of aluminum right into the soda.

An average can of soda has 35 mg of caffeine, and most energy drinks contain about 80 mg caffeine, along with different stimulants such as guarana and ginseng. Some energy drinks even contain up to 280 mg caffeine. This is triple the amount of caffeine found in a cup of coffee. These drinks boost heart rate, raise blood pressure, increase pages dehydrate the body, and cause insomnia.

The more you know about what you put into your body, the better able you will be to make fit choices and feel better about yourself. Now, the next time you are thirsty, which will you graba soft drink or a glass of water?

Soft Drinks - Powerful Damage to Your Health

Drinking the average soft drink adds 200 extra calories to your diet. If you drink two soft drinks per day, the extra calories alone will cause you to store an extra pound of fat every ten days. For every two soft drinks you consume, the average person would have to run six miles an hour for over an hour to burn them off.

All soft drinks contain sugar, high fructose corn syrup, or artificial sweeteners. Most soft drinks contain around 13 teaspoons of sugar. Soda adds more sugar to a typical two-year-olds diet than cookies, candy, and ice cream combined. High amounts of sugar entering the body quickly cause your pancreas to release high amounts of insulin, which turns the sugar into fat. To get rid of this fat, your body stops burning stored fat for energy and starts burning the early fat made from sugar. Since you coloring need that much energy, the new fat is stored in your fat cells, making you to increase weight. In fact, the risk of childhood obesity increases 1.6 times with every additional daily serving of soda consumed. Over time, multiple daily insulin surges can cause insulin resistance and diabetes.

Now, lets look at a much better alternative beverage--water. Seventy-five percent of Americans are chronically dehydrated. In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger. (Any possible correlation to our obesity rates?) Even mild dehydration coloring pages down ones metabolism as much as 3%. Dehydration has been shown to be the number one trigger of daytime fatigue. A mere 2% drop in body water triggers sluggish short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulties focusing on the computer screen or a printed page. Some research has shown that drinking 64-80 ounces of water daily can significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers. Drinking 50 ounces of water daily has been shown to decrease risk of colon cancer by 45%, breast cancer by 79%, and coloring page cancer by 50%.

Many sufferers of Alzheimers disease have unusually high concentration of aluminum in their brain tissue, suggesting a link between aluminum toxicity and the disease. In many states, highway patrol officers keep cola in the trunks of their cars to clean blood off the highway after an accident. Cola drinks can also loosen rusted bolts nearly as well as silicone spray. In fact, the distributors of some cola drinks have been using it for over twenty years to clean the engines of their trucks. These trucks, by the way, must display hazardous material signs reserved for highly corrosive materials. According to some household cleaning websites, soda can even be sued as a toilet cleaner and grease remover.

References: Fredericks-Franklin, Rachel, DC. How Much Water. Handout, Jan 2002. Martino, Russell J., Ph.D. Colas, Soft Drinks, and Your Health. Found on-the-internet at Total Health Dynamics, June 2007. Ten Reasons to Stay Away from Sodas and Energy Drinks. To Your Health, June 2007.

One of the worst things you could do for your health is regularly consume soft drinks. When you understand what is in the average soft drink as well as what those ingredients can do, you may just want to stay as far away from them as you can!

Diet sodas are not a safe option, either. Your body detects the sweet taste, and produces the same insulin response as in the non-diet drinks. Artificial sweeteners also contain chemicals that break down in the body and cause neurological damage.

The average soda has no nutritional value. Most contain only sugar, carbonated water, caramel coloring, flavoring, caffeine, and high fructose corn syrup. Dark colored soft drinks such as colas also contain phosphoric acid. Clear soft drinks (lemon-lime flavored) have citric acid.

Spiderman Superman and Batman coloring page

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Your green house plant sucks pages (absorbs) red and blue colors and shoots back coloring green (reflected) color you see.

Kid, you love coloring pages and color. You and millions of different kids have free coloring pages, coloring books, and printable coloring pages. You spend 30 minutes every day with coloring and drawing activities. Here are coloring page fun color history facts most kids dont know. So Ill give you a braggin rights present. Youll discover:1. Color is a Part of Light 2. Color is Absorbed, Reflected, or Transmitted

No colors are shot back at you. You see black fur. If you see color the fur is not totally black. The shiny coat and growling coloring page exclusively reflect light when the dog sees you coming. Last One: Your mommas crystal sparkles. The light slams into it and comes out the pages side (transmitting). Hold the glass in front of another color - say purple - youll see purple in the glass. If you drop the crystal - hold up a broken piece in front of momma's face youll see red in the glass. Learn more about pigment colored flour in Coloring Page Crayons History: Four Fun Facts for Kids.

Light is created by the sun, fire or manmade stuff like bulbs and flashlights. Kid, your eyeballs and brain pick up the colors in the light. You normally see the same colors other people see. Beasts, bugs, and birds eyeball colors differently than you. You and a spider look at a ball. It looks red to you. The spider sees the ball as black. Its still a ball but the color appears differently. Red, blue, and green light are the backbone of all colors. You able to combine red, blue and green pigments to create every other color. Your crayon colors are made coloring pages pigments.

Color - Coloring Page Kids Should Discover Two Fun Facts

Look kid, when light slams into an object (well say a ball) one of three things happen:

Pay attention, boy: Light slams (you cant hear the slamming) into the ball and if all the light shoots back at you white is the color you see. Thats called reflected light. Let's say red, green and blue lights slam into the ball. The ball sucks in the red and green lights. Thats called absorbed light. The blue light shoots back at you. You see the reflecting blue color. You have a blue ball.

+ Millions of colors are mixed from red, blue and green.

2. The ball shoots the light back to you - reflecting like a flashlight on a mirror. Or

+ Color is a part of light.

1. Color is a Part of Light

1. The ball sucks all the light in - absorbs it like a bath towel.

+ Eyeballs and brains help see color.

2. Color is absorbed, reflected, or transmitted.

+ Your crayons are made of colored flour called pigment.

+ Color absorbs, reflects and transmits.

3. The ball lets the light shine through itself - transmits like an ice cube or cats eye marble.

Heres one: The rottweilers fur sucks in (absorbs) all the red, blue and green light slamming into it. The colors cant be seen.

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Everythings more coloring at a Sesame pages birthday party. The decorations and party games coloring pages well-to-do to throw together if you find yourself at the last minute coloring for ideas!

Invitations for the Sesame Street party could be created at home using cardstock, colored cut out or stickers. By using a brightly colored cardstock as the main invitation you could use any of the colorful friends stickers or print a coloring page from the Internet and attach that. Come and Play, Everythings A-Ok at Susie Barkers 4th birthday party!

What toddler wouldnt want a Sesame Street birthday party? The brightly colored friends living on Sesame Street coloring page been teaching sharing, caring and fun for over 25 years! This theme's great for boys or girls as there are characters that everyone loves!

Games for Sesame Street birthday parties are simple! Have all the kids sing Elmos Song or have a rubber ducky race by filling a pool and racing rubber ducks.

Decorations are a cinch for a Sesame Street Party. If the child has a favorite character such as Elmo, Zoe or Cookie Monster, use their image as much as possible throughout the party. If Elmo is the fan favorite decorate the mailbox in red, yellow, and orange balloons. A Sesame Street cake can be purchased at any local bakery or you can make one yourself. If Cookie Monster is the childs favorite character feel free to skip the birthday cake all together and make on large cookie decorated with blue and white icing. That will surely tie the theme together.

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Mike Scantlebury coloring page trying coloring page get through to people. As an author and Internet Publisher, he is daily aiming to communicate. Working from his office in Manchester, England, he produces books and stories, plays and articles, and puts them on one of his many websites. Try pages following for starters. Feel the noise.

There are many ways to communicate, but there are even more ways to fail to communicate. The most essential of these I call, 'The Curse of FaceBook'. It's a mysterious thing, and, on the face of it, should never happen. After all, Social Networking sites are completely about 'communication', in the widest sense. How could they caused non-communication? Or worse, misunderstandings as well as antagonism?

It's as though your really are coloring pages the pub and everyone else is blind drunk. Sure, you can have a laugh. Sure, you can chat about the 'old times' and kid yourself what a great thing it all was. What you can't do is the one thing that is the essence of communication: you can't get a straight answer to a straight question. Ask yourself, if you came back from holiday and found 71 messages in your email box, how likely is it that you would be able to make a coherent reply to each and every one? But that's what 'Social Networking' is all about. You've got a bunch of people clamouring for your attention, each one coloring some point that is vital to them, (but only to them), and each person wants you - YOU - to laugh along with them, smirk with them, commiserate with them. You're being bullied and badgered and you try and put a smile on your face and grin and bear it. Oh, and that question? Sorry, what did you say? I didn't hear you. What was it? You want something? Was there a point? You were trying to say -

There's a third way in which the whole system can jam up. The fervent FaceBooker logs on, makes some comments, asks some questions and makes some cheeky points. They log on the next day, eagerly looking for feedback. Suppose there isn't any? Now we have a early problem. The regular Networker starts to get impatient. After all, they have things to say, points to make. They have made comments and want comments back. When they don't get any, they irritatedly start to make more. That's when things really start to get confusing. It happened to me: after a week, a so-called 'friend' of mine eventually got round to looking at their FaceBook page. At that juncture, they were faced with four messages from me. They decided to answer them all at once. What happened? The inevitable; they didn't actually answer any of the critical questions. They commented on the weather; made some cracks about schools; quipped about their job; and complained about money. That bit - the vital bit - about meeting up, was lost.

Alternatives to Communication

Social Networks are a great thing. They put you 'in touch' with people you might not see, or may not have seen for a long time. You can chat and grin with them. But don't expect to 'communicate'. coloring that, you need to concentrate, focus, and establish real contact. If you were on the phone to them, you would be saying things like, 'Sorry, I missed that', or 'Could you repeat that last bit?' You would be clarifying, discovering details, going over and over something. Try as I might, I can't find a way to make that happen with the websites. They promise to put you in touch, and it's fine as long as you're just shouting 'Hello'. As soon as you actually want to say something important, well, the junk, the static, the interference, all gets in the way. It's ironic; the new networks promise more communication, but all they deliver is people vigorously waving at each other, smiling and saying 'Hello'. The amount of real, personal interaction is minimal.

The second problem is that hidden in that storm of chatter, there might actually be a significant point. Unfortunately, it's going to get lost. I cognize this to my cost. I have written a paragraph that talks about what fun we had last year; how wonderful the weather is; how great it would be to do it all again; and when are we going to visit up? It's exclusively the last point that needs an answer: often, it never arrives. I'm upset. That was an actual question. Look, I'm saying, when are you going to be in town next? They've replied, oh, sure they have, and told me about their weather and the problems with their car and children. But try as I might, I can't find an answer to my specific query. That's the problem with social networking: it's vague, it's rambling, it's cheerful but not direct. It's like a bunch of people having a chat down the pub. How well-to-do is it to say, 'Hold on, guys. What time are we leaving for the party?' How easy is it to get people to address the question over the hubbub? You need one thing that the pub (and the Social Network) can't offer: you need focus. It just isn't there.

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The third way, which is not as common, is to pay a many amount for each person who has coloring pages opportunity to view coloring ad. Every time someone visits the site with your ad displayed that person can see your ad and possibly click on it. You pay every time someone visits the page with your ad. This is known as CPM or cost per thousand impressions.

For example, a entire banner ad has a size of 468 pixels across coloring 60 pixels down. This just means that a full banner ad will use a space on the screen that is equal to 468 dots across the screen by 60 pixels up and down the screen. This gives a rectangular picture that is the banner. A half-banner would be 234 pixels across by 60 pixels down. So the half banner will be half as wide as the full banner but the same height.

There are two keys to using banners effectively. First, the banner must get the attention of the viewer. Good banners are designed to draw the eyes of the visitor so they will see the message and hopeful click on the ad to visit your site. The second key is to place the banner on sites that will give you the type of visitor who will be interested in what you are advertising. coloring pages you advertise your scented candle site on a web site devoted to hot rod cars you may get a couple of visitors but it is not likely. Your chances are much better if you advertise on a website devoted to aroma coloring page products or house dcor.

The key to your success with a Christian online business's traffic. No matter how good your site is you have to get individuals to visit it in order to be effective. The net term for visitors to your site is traffic. You must attract people to your site just like a store on Main street must attract customers. An actual physical store'll attract visitors by different forms of advertising. They might advertise on the radio, TV, or in newspapers as well as magazines. People look these ads and then visit the store. This is traffic.

Banner ad sizes have been standardized to a little of extent over the years. The three main size types are rectangular, banner and button, and skyscraper. The sizes are determined by the number of pixels or dots that are used on the web page. Your monitor is made up thousands of small pixels. When your computer shows a picture on the monitor it is coloring a group of these tiny pixels to develop what you see.

Banner ads have been used since the beginning of the commercial World Wide Web to make millions and millions of dollars. They can be very effective if they interest the reader and they are on a site that gives the type of traffic you want. They allow you to only advertise on sites that match your Christian values and morals.

This form of online advertising involves placing an advertisement onto another web page that has visitors who might be interested in your site. It is intended to attract traffic to your website by adding a link to your site from the site you are advertising on. This works great for a Chrstian based advertising campaign because you can determine what sites your ad will be shown on. Most Christian web sites will accept your
Christian based ads.

On the internet this type of traffic is generated by placing ads on different web sites. One of the most often used ads on a web page is a banner ad. If you have spent any time at completely on the web you have seen hundreds of banner ads. These are the boxes you see on a web page that are advertising many different site. For years this was the most used and most effective way to promote a web site. It is still used now to advertise the presence of web pages (or web stores) so customers will visit.

There are three main ways to pay the web page owner where you place your banner. The first is by a monthly charge. You make an agreement with the web site owner to pay him or her so much a month to display your ad.

Traffic For Your Christian Business - Part 2

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Holiday Prime Rib Roast

7-8 lb Prime Rib Roast

Prime Rib coloring amount determined by roast size

2 tsp Smoky Mesquite salt

2 oz Apple Wood or favorite smoking wood

Season Prime Rib Roast with JSGS Prime Rib Rub on all sides, Sprinkle lightly with Smoky Mesquite Salt on all sides. Place Roast in Smoker. Add Apple Wood or your favorite wood according to mfg. instructions. Smoke @ 225 degrees for 4-6 hrs depending on desired doneness Increase smoking times for medium or medium well. Enjoy!

Just Simply Good Stuff! Prime Rib Rub Recipes for Tacos,Prime Rib,Venison & Steak

De-bone and remove fat from roast, takeoff at 1" from edge of roast place 2 forks in meat and pull away from each other forming shreds of meat or slice thin place in pot sprinkle with coloring page Tbsp Beyond the Border, 1-2 Tbsp water, 1-2 Tbsp Jalapeo Vinegar to keep moist, white onion chopped, cover, heat on low till warm throughout. Turn oven on 300 degrees, place taco shells on oven rack, heat 5-6 coloring watch close! Remove shells; fill with shredded Prime Rib meat, cheese, onion, lettuce, jalapeos, tomato, salsa to taste. Enjoy!

Prime Rib Leftovers

Shredded Prime Rib Tacos


1-2 Tbsp Beyond the Border

Yellow onion Chopped

Green Onion Chopped

Tomato Chopped

Pickled Jalapeo slices

Vinegar from the Jalapeos

Shredded Cheddar Cheese

Shredded Lettuce

Taco Shells pre-cooked in box


Chop or shred left prime rib, add to your favorite barbecue sauce for barbecue coloring pages burgers

Use for beef hash and serve with eggs and toast

Slice thin and use for French dips

Blackened Ribeye

Beef Stroganoff

Taco Salad

Just Simply Smokin! Prime Rib

Prime Rib Rub

1 Prime Rib Roast 7-8 lbs (or about 4-5 ribs)


Ask the butcher for the small coloring page of the Prime.

Season generously on completely sides with your Prime Rib Rub,

Place Roast bone side down in a hot pre-heated oven at 450 degrees for 15 minutes.

Reduce the oven temperature to 250 degrees and cook about 20 to 30 minutes per pound.

Test the beef with a meat thermometer in the thickest part of the roast (center of the coloring pages being careful not to touch the bone. Remove the roast when the internal temperature reaches 130 degrees for rare, 140 for medium rare or 150 degrees for medium.

Cover the roast loosely with aluminum foil and let sit for 1/2 hour. The internal roast temperature will continue to rise about 5 degrees even after you take it out of the oven.

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meatheads' wave goodbye funbook coloring page

Row 4; Kandy Barr; Heidi Smith; Madison Avenue

Over coloring page past several years, at least one woman has qualified for coloring Indianapolis 500 race, and that's good, due to women should be allowed to comptet with men in any sport! But, this year, was a little different story at the Indy 500...where all 33 qualifiers were women!

Row 11; Brooke Trout; Pinkie Luzinsky; Billie Goat

Auto Racing - Ladies - Start Your Engines!

Smoke and tire marks all over the race track, as the race went on, and on for over three hours, and finally, the last lap...and it boiled down to a race between Kandy Barr and Susan Suranwrap. This was a fight to the finish...they were neck and neck turning the fourth corner! One driver pages take the lead...and then the other...back and forth coloring went...the crowd was going wild!
Down the stretch they came, as they were now side by side, almost touching they both screamed past the finish line in a cloud of blue smoke! The crowd was loving it!

Row 9; Heather Stratton; Mia Culpa; Georgia Onmymind

"I want to be the fastest woman in the a matter of speaking!" Shirley Muldowney (ex-drag racer)

There has always been a woman in the race for the past several years, and that's the way it should be. If a woman and her team can qualify, give her the wheel. But, this year was different! All 33 drivers in this field were women...that's right, women! Scary, eh?

Row 8; Bunny Hoppe; Susan SuranWrap; Candy Cane

Row 5; Crystal Bahl; Carmen Sanchez; Rose Budde

A look down Powder Puff Alley (formerly Gasolene Alley), was the tremendous amount of color at the race...all the colorful flowers...the, lavender and aqua blue everywhere! All the teams were dressed in their own colorful uniforms! WOW...what a sight!

A drive to the winner's circle, was uncommon because the traditional black and white winners flag/markings were gone, and replaced with a pink and white flag...splashed with a touch of lavender! Gone, too, was the traditional drink of milk for the winner, as it would now it would be replaced with champagne! On her win, Susan SuranWrap popped the cork...and sprayed everyone around her...high fives for she accepted the trophy! Finishing at a distant third was Kitty Litter...and Robyn Hood, and Sparkle Plenty rounded out the top five!


Row 2; Honey Bunns; Candice Piper; Ginger Snapps

"You coloring page have to treat death just like any other part of life!" Tom Sneva (former Indy driver)

Nothing like this had ever happened before, so I went to the newspaper the day of the race, to read more about it, and to get the starting line-up. One of the headlines in the sports page read, "Record speed set at Indianapolis 500 of 287.5 miles per hour!" "WOW!" We've got some lead-foots out there! There was not even e man in the stands...nowhere to be seen! "Could women be taking over the world"...I thought to myself! As I read the newspaper, the Indy field of the 33 drivers went like this:

Row 3; April Showers; Tiffiny Holbrooke; Savannah Georgia

Three hundred thousand women, were on their feet rooting them on...and by a few tenths of a second...the 87th running of the Indianapolis 500 race was won by ...Susan SuranWrap...who took the pink and white checkered flag! People in the stands were jumping up and down; screaming and yelling...going crazy! What a day...what a race!

My eyes were glued to the television set, as I could not imagine 33 "women drivers," racing at the Indy 500...all doing over 200 miles per hour! I DIDN'T WANT TO WATCH...but I had to!

I watched on television, as so many other racing fans did across the country...and I couldn't believe my eyes. I must have looked like a "tree entire of owls," watching television! Not exclusively the 33 drivers were women, but all the pit crews were women, too! The 300,000 fans in the stands were all women; the broadcasters were women; the reporters were women; there was a peanut girl; a popcorn girl; a soft drink girl...NOT A MAN IN SIGHT! "What's going on here?" I thought to myself! There were no men anywhere to be seen!

"Auto racing is boring...except when a car is going over 200 miles an hour...UPSIDE DOWN!" Dave Barry

Row 6; Sparkle Plenty; Jane Doe; Sara Jones

Row 1; (Pole) Robyn Hood; Kitty Litter; Penny Arcade

Sleepy-eyed, and looking through glassy and tired eyes, the clock read 2:30 in the morning...the room was spinning around...I'm at a race someplace...women are taking over the world ...tossing and turning all night long...I couldn't get to sleep...why am I at the Indy head was spinning! Unsure of where I was, and with a little sweat on my brow...I sat up in bed...looked around in a daze! Happily...I was at home...and I sure was relieved that it was only a BAD DREAM!

Row 10; Kelli Kelly; Tootsie Rolle; Betty Krocker

Laying rubber and smoke everywhere...these women meant business, as the race got started! And, I must have looked like a "tree full of owls," as I watched the race on television! Thirty three women race car drivers...all in one place, doing over 200 miles! I was scared to death that something awful would happen! After all, this had never happened before! I had to look away at the start! But, as the race progressed...the women were doing pretty good! They didn't drive like the "men drivers," and there were no accidents...and everything ran smoothly for the entire race!

It was Memorial Day week-end, and something I've enjoyed for numerous years, is to watch the Indianapolis 500 race! I'm not, necessarily, a racing fan, but I live in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and it is house to the famous Unser racing family. Between them, they have NINE Indy 500 wins...four victories for Al Unser, Sr who is tied with A.J. Foyt and Rick Mears for most Indy wins; three wins for his brother Bobby Unser; and two wins for Al's son...Little Al. Because of this, I watched the race, to pull for the Unser family of racers!

I think this was as much a fashion show as a race! Only one black car in the race, the incredible "Black Widow" car...and the driver dressed in purple from head to toe! WOW! The "Silver Bullet" car, trimmed in pink: the "Diamonds Are Forever" car; the most colorful car in the race...the "Born To Shop" car! And, my favorite car, was the one with biscuits and melted butter painted all over it...good enough to eat...the Pillsbury DoughGirl car...yum...yum!

Row 7; Misty Moonlight; Gloria Campos; Carole Carroll;