Coloring page

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We completely know Gideon's reaction. coloring suddenly rushed coloring against the entire Midianite army, defeating them with coloring page single blow.

Have you ever asked God for a sign coloring page point you in the right direction? Did you receive one? Count yourself blessed if you did.

Anything else would be uncivilized.

Lord knows we all need miracles to get us out of hurt once in a while, and God lives to perform those little miracles for his children. Asking for signs puts God in a box, and leaves no room for him to work miracles in our lives.

It takes courage to step out for God. God knows that, but he still looks for us to make the right decision.

Gideon was called by God to lead Israel against the Midianites, who were destroying Israel's homes and fields. In this story, God physically sent an angel in human form to talk to Gideon in person.

Have you ever had this nagging feeling that you should be doing something for God?

If you take a moment to read the Gideon Bible story in Judges 6-8, the rest of the article may make more sense. I'll delay for you while you read it.

All done? Great, let's continue.

The book of Judges's set in a time when Israel was uncivilized to say the least. God continually supplied them with heroes to get them out of self-induced trouble. Presently, the most well known of these heroes is Samson...or coloring I thought.

Gideon Bible Story - Signs of the Time

God is not a traffic director. He sets our paths and catches us when we stray off, but we are not to continually consult for a "pillar of fire" to light the way. How much faith does it take to live our lives if God almost always tells us what to do?

When I created a website to offer free Bible story pages and activities for children, I chose to write about the characters I thought most parents and teachers would want to read about and teach; Samson, Jesus, Noah, and Daniel to name a few. Little did I know that the most favorite download from my website would be the story of Gideon.

Okay, that's not exactly how it happened.

Gideon consistently ranks #1 in page hits, month after month. I had no idea the Gideon bible story was in such high demand. This article explores a possible explanation for this phenomenon.

Deep down inside a voice calls, nudges, and prods you to step out in faith. Maybe He wants you to write a book, takeoff a new church or Bible study, or maybe just He wants you to open a dialogue with your next-door neighbor. Regarding this nagging feeling, were you nervous? Scared? Unsure of where to begin?

Basically that is exactly what Gideon did, except he used fleece instead of a Magic 8 Ball. One night, he asked God for a sign to affirm that he was to lead the Israelites into war. God gave him the sign. Still unsure the next night, Gideon asked for another sign to confirm, and God answered his prayer one more time.

I know the feeling. I had a calling about three years ago, which led to the birth of two websites. Scary stuff, when you've never done it before.

It would be great whenever faced with a difficult decision in life, we could shake your special Gideon Miracle 8 Ball and God would point us in the right direction. Life would be so easy. We wouldn't have to make any decisions.

Gideon felt genuine fear that he would be leading an army saying his clan was the weakest clan and that he was the weakest in his clan. In different words, Gideon felt totally unworthy to do anything for God, and allowed that fear to control his actions rather than trusting God to take care of things.

Gideon displays lack of faith and trust when he asks for a sign from heaven. Fortunately, our Father is so loving and patient that He gladly gives us what we need to move forward.