Purchase The Purpose Driven? Life Pastors.com: What on Earth Am I Here For? (Purpose Driven Life)

I'm disappointed in this book because I thought it was Satire, but it turns out the author was trying to be serious. I mean with chapter names like "You are not an accident", "Seeing life from god's view", "What makes God smile?" and "Thinking like a servant"--I'm surely not the only one to assume this. Since this is meant to be non-fiction, it just means the author is rather delusional and arrogant.

Anyway, I can't say "good for you" if you found purpose in this book because of the content and because finding purpose is too vague, people who join cults or terrorist organizations find "purpose" in their new ideology.Get more detail about The Purpose Driven? Life Pastors.com: What on Earth Am I Here For? (Purpose Driven Life).