Dragonfly in Amber (Outlander)

This second novel in the Outlander series follows a different format from the first. When this book opens it is definitely not what you expect. We move to the year of 1968: twenty years after Claire returns from the 18th century. This book serves as a piece of the puzzle: at the beginning you know what happens in the end (that Claire comes back to the present) but you do not know why. This book explains what happened in the 18th century during the Stuart uprising that brought Claire back.

Diana Gabaldon is an excellent writer. Her use of minor characters from the first novel impressed me; these characters took on a greater importance in the second novel. She did a good job of intertwining all the characters lives. Some characters are connected in ways that you do not expect.

However, this book can become frustrating because of the constant references to war, kings, princes, etc. I mean to say that it can get confusing with all the names of royalty. I encourage you to push through it though because it gets better. Even if you don't enjoy the battle scenes and the Stuart uprising still read the book! It's definitely worth it.

Diana Gabaldon keeps you guessing till the last page! The ending is definitely not what you expect. I found myself shocked and surprised at various points in the book. There is a depth and richness to Jamie and Claire's love that astounded me while reading. Gabaldon does an excellent job of showing their true love for one other. I would definitely recommend continuing the series if you loved Outlander.
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