The Book Thief Top Quality

This book was one of the only ones that made me very emotional after reading it. I decided to use this book for a report, and the blurb seemed interesting so I borrowed it out of the library. The length was a little off-putting since I had to do the report in a week but as soon as I started reading I became engrossed in it. I would read many pages during my breaks at school, and soon I began to feel sympathy for all the characters and I felt as if I were connected to them. Once I finished this book, I was speechless. Nothing could describe the emotions that went through me while reading The Book Thief. The conclusion shocked me and I admit that I cried. It was very sad.

I love this book. It's extremely creative -- it's told from the view of "Death." Liesel is a well developed character whose innocence is excellently portrayed by Zusak. I have to admit, this Markus Zusak is a good author. Every single aspect of the plot melded together perfectly, and he finished everything in a compelling yet heartbreaking scene. I will always remember this book, and I always list this as my favorite book on sites such as Facebook. :P

I know there are so many good reviews for this book but I felt that I just had to speak my mind. Peace out, buy this book.Get more detail about The Book Thief.