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I suggest you review all your information and spend some time just thinking about the things that you like.
Next, determine what you aren't good at doing. What types of activities make you anxious, bored coloring pages feel weak? Do you get anxious sitting at a desk or coloring page front of a computer? Are you uncomfortable taking directions from others? Are you impatient and bored with repetitive, monotonous tasks? Do you dislike physical labor? Is it hard for you coloring direct others or delegate tasks? Are you undisciplined or bored working alone? When considering your passion for a career, you will not want duties that require you to perform tasks that will stir up such negative emotions.
Currently what do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
How to Determine Your Passion coloring page a Career
I believe what we are suppose to do in our lifetime is what we Want to do in our lifetime. There are no rights or wrongs and everyone is different so whatever trips your trigger, so to speak, is what we'll find we are most productive at, coloring suited for and will find the most joy in.
First, think about what you like to do. What invigorates you? What gets you energized?
All things are possible if you believe they are.
Second, think about what you are good at. For some this might be a difficult question. Begin by looking at what others look to you for. When does your family and friends call on you for assistance? Are you a good problem solver, good at numbers, puzzles? Are you a good cook or interested in nutrition, healthy foods, growing food? Do you always have a way to find the best bargains or could negotiate for the best deal? Are you good at telling stories or talking to people? Do kids gravitate to you? Are you good at sports or have other physical abilities e.g. dance or fitness? Are you knowledgeable in any trades and good at working with your hands? Are you creative and like to make things? If you don't have a clue about your skills or talents, consult your friends or family members. Most will be happy to tell you what they believe to be your best attributes.
You might consider activities that you did often as a child. Were you always taking things apart and putting them back together? Did you want to help your mother in the kitchen? Where you coloring, painting or creating a story?
Are we all here for a specific purpose, something special we are to achieve and does this have to be our career? Is it possible we just aren't that passionate about anything?
The following will help you determine where your passion is in life. It exclusively requires that you have an interest to pursue your own happiness and success.
Finding your passion is a combination of determining what you like to do, what you are great at doing, what you aren't good at doing along with what you believe. I suggest you get a pen and paper and write down some answers to the following paragraphs. This will get you started on positive thoughts toward achieving your passions.
Our career does not necessarily have to revolve around one specific job or life purpose. I believe our mean here is just to find joy in learning, living and loving. So, finding what we love is significant and learning how to make a living doing it is key to a joyful career. coloring pages that may include several different jobs or maybe your own business.
Lastly, examine your beliefs and consider what you need. Define for yourself what success and happiness mean to you. Is it prestige, power, fame, lots of money or self-rewarding work? Does it mean working for your self or maybe it's just getting a job working 40 hours a week. Do you need training or additional education? Consider barriers of thought and beliefs that might be preventing you from admitting what really excites you and what you really want.
Are you afraid of taking on a female dominated job because you are male?
There are some talented individuals who completely cognize what their passions are and have a control to pursue it. However, most of us must contemplate this and ever more of us don't even consider it. If you have a desire to find passion in your career, continue through the following questions and take the time to invest in you.
Do you have low self-esteem and believe you are incapable of completing any such duties or tasks that really interest you or do you believe that you aren't worthy of fame, money or success? Look at what you were taught as a child. Were you told that money is the root of all evil? Do you believe money and success are your right? If not, begin by changing your beliefs about how your feel about success. There are many resources obtainable now to help your retrain your mind and achieve your goals.
If money wasn't a factor I would be doing________________.
If you can, try to attach an action word to what you enjoy the most. These would include actions such as solving, learning, creating, writing, selling, helping or teaching/coaching.
What is your passion? Many people seem to determine their passions early in life, as children, as well as then others of us, in your middle 40's are still wondering what we want to be when we grow up.
The Webster's dictionary defines passion as, an intense or violent emotion; a great liking or enthusiasm. If we take the time to consider this, we all able to find something that excites us. This is what we are to achieve to life; finding our peace and happiness in doing what excites us.
Do something that you've always wanted to try but never did. It might be your passion. If it isn't then it will at least build confidence and you will never have regret for something you didn't do. Go to the library or get online and do searcher for career choices. There are thousands of jobs that many of us don't even know exist. But, if you can find your passion and contemplate what it feels like to be doing this for a living, I believe the answer will be revealed to you. Pay attention to You and your Life.
Complete these statements:
Most importantly, be honest with your self. Be still and quiet and go within. Take the time to feel what excites you. Go beyond the fear. Don't expect the answer to be revealed instantaneously. Often it may comes days or weeks later when you least expect it. It will just be there....this knowing. Be observant and conscious of what is happening in your environment. If something is showing up regularly, it might be something for you to look at.